The high road to the college life
When kids are young the say they want to be a astronaut, firefighter, or pro sports super star. Most of the time, younger kids want the life that their role models have. But as they grow up, most children change the ideas towards their profession and find more suitable jobs towards their talents. Kids go through stages in their life's that affect what they want life to be as adults. When a student gets into high school, that is one of the times that they get the opportunity to get a hands on expirence with a subject that allows people to relate a profession they're interested in. Yet, that may not be the best choice for the student because it may not help them get into a good college that allowed them to pressure their dream.
In high school there are regular classes that most of the students take and then their are AP classes, the gateway to college. AP English classes, mainly taken in highschool for people intersted in majoring in college" get more in depth in books, writings, vocabulary, and much more. AP math classes, math majors, go more in depth in the lessons, equations, and usually teach at a quicker pace. another advanced placement coursethat my school has offered is AP history. These higher classes challenge most of the students to their limits, which will help them later on in the challenging classes. They also help the students find out what they are interested and what they might excell in. although. Not all high schools offer the same number of AP classes. Some have a wider range of AP classes that students can take and some have less.
Students that want to stand out from all the other students takes these AP classes. Most colleges want the students that take the AP classes because it shows all of the extra work that was put into his highschool expirence. They classify these students as go getters. Now a days alot kids are expected to enroll in the AP classes and college based on their intelligence level. Some kids use AP classes just to get their GPA over a 4.0 in order to attract the ivy league schools. They don't care whether the class interest them or not. They just want the extra points. These students only care about getting their GPA as high as possible but some kids actually take these classes to learn materials that arent shown in normal classes. this will also help once you get into college.
Taking a AP class prepares the student for college much more that a regular english or math class would. In a AP English class the student will learn how to write essays in a college prep manner. The student will be introduced to a broader vocabulary and they will learn how to analyze books, prompts and much more. They level of homework and expectations are extremely higher then in a regular class. No only that, but the stress level of the student goes way up as well. Students receive a huge increase to their homework and study time. Colleges encourage students to take AP classes even if it is not their best subject. Colleges see the student as wanting to improve themselves when taking these accelerated classes. You constantly hear on the news about how students are way over stressed because of the expectation of them. School is not the only thing that contributes to the stress of the students but also if the student does a sport. These high level classes put a lot of stress on the students which affects other aspects of their life. For instance, I am a swimmer and while I am swimming I am stressed out during practice because i am thinking about all the home work and project I have to do.
Back in the days when my parents and their friends were teenagers, did not have aventages available like we do today. Back then, there was also not talk on the news about the stress that commonly affects teens today. They had very good teachers but they had a very difficult playing field. in order to get into college, they had to do many different extracuricular activities.
Students that take AP classes and successfully passes the class are prepared for college to the best of their ability. They prepaid you with the knowledge and study habits that you will need in college. The AP classes prepare the student with the knowledge to pass their college classes and peruse their profession they choose.